Knowledge and Awareness

Knowledge is power.
Unlock yours today.

Be your best self!

Wellbeing Booklet

We are Humming Bird’ has put together a wellbeing book to help support you Mental health plays a part in everyday life, relationships, and even physical health. It’s a person’s ability to enjoy life, roll with the punches, feel good, feel bad, feel happy and sad - to attain a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience. But sometimes life can just seem overwhelming and then your mental health can be a friend or foe.

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Be your best self!

10 Minute Meditation

Are you feeling overwhelmed, scattered, anxious, drained ... or maybe all of the above? Meditation allows us to pause and reframe our perspective so that we can learn to experience a greater sense of calm, relaxation, clarity, and focus in our lives. And you can start with just 10 minutes right now.

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Wellbeing Booklet

We are Humming Bird’ has put together a wellbeing book to help support you Mental health plays a part in everyday life, relationships, and even physical health. It’s a person’s ability to enjoy life, roll with the punches, feel good, feel bad, feel happy and sad - to attain a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience. But sometimes life can just seem overwhelming and then your mental health can be a friend or foe.

Find out more

10 Minute Meditation

Are you feeling overwhelmed, scattered, anxious, drained ... or maybe all of the above? Meditation allows us to pause and reframe our perspective so that we can learn to experience a greater sense of calm, relaxation, clarity, and focus in our lives. And you can start with just 10 minutes right now.

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Fair Ways Book Club

‘Think like a Monk’ - Shetty explores his time as a monk in the Vedic tradition and gives readers a guide on how to unlock their power and overcome their negative thoughts and beliefs. This is the perfect book for anyone looking for words of wisdom on self-discipline, how to improve focus and reduce stress.

‘The Power of Now’ - A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle. You'll be living in the present and freeing your mind of its daily worries and stresses after turning the final page on this book.

‘Make Your Bed’ - In this book, author Admiral William H. McRaven writes about how to employ a strict routine and structure in life in order to create a calm mindset for the day ahead. A delight of optimism and practice advice. And yes, it all starts with making your bed.

Webinar: Physical Wellbeing

Explore the advantages of physical activity and the positive effects it can have on your physical and mental wellbeing.

Webinar: Wellbeing during COVID

Explore what is coronavirus (COVID-19), how to look after your mental health during these turbulent times and how to cope with self-isolation.

Webinar: Money Worries

Focussing on the emotional impact of a lack of financial wellbeing. We cover the links between mental health and finances, as well as tips on how to look after our wellbeing when we experience money worries.

All it takes is 10 mindful minutes

A Harvard study found that we spend 47% of our time lost in our own thoughts.

Mind wondering causes us unhappiness. When is the last time you did absolutely nothing for 10 whole minutes? Not texting, talking or even thinking?

Mindfulness expert Andy Puddicombe describes the transformative power of doing just that: Refreshing your mind for 10 minutes a day, simply by being mindful and experiencing the present moment. (No need for incense or sitting in strange positions.)

Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin is HAPPIER, and she wants you to be happier too. The #1 bestselling author of The Happiness Project and Better Than Before gets more personal than ever as she brings her practical, manageable advice about happiness and good habits to this lively, thought-provoking podcast.

Happy Place with Fearne Cotton

Fearne Cotton talks to incredible people about life, love, loss, and everything in-between as she reveals what happiness means to them.

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