New Recruitment Bonus Scheme Launching

Fair Ways are excited to launch a new and updated Recruitment Bonus Scheme (formally known as ‘Refer A Friend’) for all employees.

Attracting new employees to Fair Ways is vital to our current and future success. However, finding new staff in such a competitive market isn’t always easy.

To support our recruitment activities, we will recognise employees who recommend an individual who is subsequently employed by Fair Ways on a permanent contract, with a minimum of 20 guaranteed hours per week.

A recruitment bonus of up to £1,000 will be paid to employees who introduce candidates into roles designated as eligible under the scheme. These roles may be for a specific recruitment campaign (for example the opening of a new service) or positions that are difficult to fill as they require a particular set of skills and experience. Roles eligible for a recruitment bonus payment will be clearly identified on our vacancy’s lists.

Employees making the recommendation will be awarded a bonus once the new employee has completed their 6-month probationary period.

Click here to see the Recruitment Bonus Scheme Terms and Conditions

How to Apply

  1. To recommend an individual for a role send an
    email to before they submit their application to advise us, stating the following:
    • Candidate name
    • How long you have known the candidate
    • In what capacity you know the candidate
  2. The Recruitment Team will then attach your email to the Application Form and record the information.
  3. If your recommendation is successful, you will then be eligible for the bonus. A member of the Recruitment Team will contact you to advise you of this and they will ensure Payroll are made aware that payment is due, once the new employee has completed their probation period successfully. Payment will be made through Payroll via BACS transfer.

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