Visiting HMS Prince of Wales

Here at Fair Ways Education, we take on the task of helping to guide our students through some of their early stages of development and first steps into the adult world.

Part of this journey is looking at career options that may interest our students and working on how we can prepare them for these challenges and hurdles to get them their dream jobs.

Two students in Fair Ways School have shown a desire to work in the military and have already visited the local army careers office and are looking into military preparation college.

Earlier this month, we were lucky enough to be able to take these young people to visit the HMS Prince of Wales; a new Royal Navy aircraft carrier.

Whilst onboard, our students were given a 2-hour tour of the ship by CPO PTI Herron, who answered all their questions and taught us lots about what it’s like being at sea.

The students were really excited and engaged in the experience and the opportunity to get on the ship before it sails for a big deployment.

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