Mind and Body

Learn to love and understand yourself.

You are your most valuable asset!

In recent times, and especially during 2020, there has been a growing realisation that looking after your mental health is just as important as looking after your physical health.

We now accept that our mental health can fluctuate just like our physical health and there will be periods when our mental health won’t always be good or the best it can be. A diagnosed mental health issue affects 1 in 4 of us, but many more people will have periods of mental health at different time. The better news is that addressing mental issues is no longer a taboo subject and that many different treatments are now available. And going forward Mental Health is an issue we all need to talk, learn and care more about.

If you take anything away from this page, please remember that if you are struggling with your mental health, there are people and resources available to help you; including calling your GP who will be able to help you.

You are certainly not alone and help is available.

‘Cashing In’

‘Cashing In’ is a really effective way to combat a very common behaviour trait of humans, that means we naturally focus on the negative rather than the positive.

‘Cashing in’ involves noting and being aware when you are feeling good or something positive happens in your life and putting it into your ‘mental health bank’. The next time something happens that makes you smile, or that you are happy or feel good to have done – make a note of this feeling. This can be done in many ways – writing it in your phone, physically writing it in a book, diary or gratitude journal or noting it in your mind.

Cashing in can be the smallest of things. It could be that you completed everything on your to-do list on your day off, remembered to send in the meter readings, or stopped working when you said you would and spent some much needed time with your family or took that walk and now you feel good.

Remember that cashing in won’t stop the bad things in life from happening. However, the build-up and accumulation of happy or positive moments helps you from going into ‘mental health debt’ when you are feeling overwhelmed or less positive and helps to put things into perspective.

Health Assured

This employee benefit is available for all employees as soon as they begin working for Fair Ways. This service is available as a mobile phone app, helping you to have a wide range of wellbeing information and resources at your fingertips.

Username: Fairways
Password: Care

Health Shield

This employee benefit is available for guaranteed hours employees upon completion of 12 months of service with Fair Ways. Upon completion of your 12 months at Fair Ways, you will receive confirmation of this in the post directly from Health Shield.

Once you have received this pack, you can begin claiming reimbursement for a range of services such as counselling, dentistry, physiotherapy and massages (up to stated values).

External Resources

There are lots of organisations that provide useful information and free resources about mental health on their websites or apps.

To find a list of links to just some of the available external resources, please click the link below.

Mind and Body: How to manage your mental health

The connection between your mind and body is seamless. There is unrivalled evidence to show that a good combination of thinking and moving causes healthy decisions and life practices.

NHS’ 5 Steps Guide to Better Mental Health

One-in-four adults and one-in-ten children experience mental illness during their lifetime, and many more of us know and care for people who do.

Improved mental health and wellbeing is associated with a range of better outcomes for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Connect with Other People

Good relationships are important for your mental wellbeing. They can:

  • Help you to build a sense of belonging and self-worth
  • Remind you that there are people who love you
  • Provide emotional support and allow you to support others

We understand that COVID-19 has meant a lot of people are feeling lonely and isolated. Try to not let this mean you lose connections with people. Why not try face timing with a loved one, going on a walk with a friend as part of your daily exercise or spending your lunch break talking with a colleague instead of scrolling through social media.

Be Physically Active

Being active is not only great for your physical health and fitness. Evidence also shows it can also improve your mental wellbeing by:

  • Raising your self-esteem
  • Helping you to set goals or challenges and achieve them
  • Causing chemical changes in your brain which can help to positively change your mood

Why not try some of our own Fair Ways online workouts brought to you by Coach Danielle?

Learn New Skills

Learning new skills can also improve your mental wellbeing by:

  • Keeping your mind busy and occupied (helps stop overthinking)
  • Boosting self-confidence and raising self-esteem and provide a sense of achievement
  • It can be a great way to socialise with like-minded people

You may not feel like you have much spare time, but even 1 hour a week can add up. Learning new skills or taking up new hobbies doesn’t have to be expensive, you can find lots of resources online.

Give to Others

Research suggests that acts of giving and kindness can help improve your mental wellbeing by:

  • Creating positive feelings and a sense of reward
  • Giving you a feeling of purpose and self-worth
  • Helping you connect with other people

Remember when you work for Fair Ways you are part of a company that truly makes a difference to the lives of our service users! That is something to smile about!

In addition to your daily job, why not try adding one small act of kindness into your daily routine?

Pay Attention to the Present Moment

Mindfulness can help you enjoy life more and understand yourself better. It can positively change the way you feel about life and how you approach challenges.

Read more about mindfulness, including steps you can take to be more mindful in your everyday life.

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