Staff Committees

The go-to place to find out what is happening, and get involved with what is going on in Fair Ways! Our staff committees give you the opportunity to change, challenge and advocate what is happening.

Employee Committee (EPIC)

Formed in 2016, our Employee Committee (EPIC) is made up of representatives from every department in Fair Ways. Meeting regularly, the committee discusses a range of topics including Charity of the Year, and Fair Ways Fest.

Eco Ways

We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy.

Cycle2Work Scheme

In March 2021, Fair Ways launched the Cycle2Work Scheme that allows you to purchase a bike to use for commuting for work purposes.

Find out more

Find your Reps

There are reps from our Committees throughout Fair Ways - and probably far closer than you think!

Find your Rep

Want to see something different?

We are always looking for feedback! If you think we are missing the chance to shout about something great that is going on, let us know!

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