Wellbeing Initiatives

Wellbeing can often be an overused buzzword but greatly misunderstood and not acted on. Not any more. Fair Ways are fully committed to proactively supporting you on your journey.

Connection and Community

Forming connections and the endorphins that are created from good social interaction are priceless in maintaining your mental health and providing a sense of safety and community.

Mind and Body

Understanding your mind and body is vitally important to understand how you can help yourself stay your best self.

Knowledge and Awareness

We can always learn more and be more aware of what is going on around us. There are often factors affecting someone close to us that we did not even register.

Nutrition Advice

Nutrition is an important aspect of your wellbeing. The wrong diet can have you feeling tired when you should be full of energy, or restless when you are needing to sleep.

Assistance Scheme

The Assistance Scheme is open to all Fair Ways employees. The purpose of the scheme is to provide discretionary funds up to the value of £750 per application for - financial relief in times of monetary hardship, funding and/or resources for emotional/practical support.

Should you require assistance, please complete the application form using the link below.

Apply now!

Mental Health First Aiders

There are Mental Health First Aiders throughout Fair Ways - and probably far closer than you think!

Find your First Aider
Mental Health First Aid Image

Flexible Working

Fair Ways promote a healthy work-life balance and actively support flexible working solutions including keys days in the office, working from home, and working from remote Fair Ways locations.

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